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Creating a Compelling Podcast - Part 1: The Concept
Making a podcast is easy but making a good podcast requires an incredible amount of hard work and dedication (or a lot of money to throw at someone who knows what they are doing).
My Time Management Superpower - Part 3
This may seem daunting, overwhelming or impossible, but it’s important to remember that these are all things you want to do. These are the things that are letting you live your core values, savor your life, connect with your loved ones - so motivation will not be the issue, it’s pure time management.
My Time Management Superpower - Part 1
Time management is my superpower. It is the thing I do best and I haven’t met anyone who does it better than me (yet). So I figured if I boast about it on my blog here and share all the thoughts, philosophies and practices that contribute to my success, I could a) gloat about something I’m great at and b) potentially help you, the reader, improve your own time management skills.
My Salary Range Framework
Two organizations could have the same job description but the workload and emotional labor may be substantially different.
The graphic below will help determine what part of the range is appropriate for your organization.