My Salary Range Framework

A handful of cashew vs. a handful of peanut M&Ms have the same number of calories (~150 cal). However, the nutritional content is quite different.


Similarly, two organizations could have the same job description but the workload and emotional labor may be substantially different.

The graphic below will help determine what part of the range is appropriate for your organization.
Please note that the price point for Type IV organizations is about 65 - 70% more than Type I organizations.

salary range.png

Although I may not always provide operations-focused services, I have found that the company-wide attitude towards operations directly affects the effort required for success.

Please contact me to determine where your company belongs on this spectrum and strategies on how to improve your standing.


The Negative Five to Five™ Scale (NFTF)


The Project Management Trio Trope …and what many fail to consider